Do YOU Want to Develop
the Hand Strength that will
Increase Your Performance in the Gym,
Help You Play Better in Sports,
While Also Giving You the Power
to Rip Entire Decks of Playing Cards in Half in Just Seconds?
Then you've come to the right place - this is the most complete instructional reference for card tearing available, and it will help you build the hand strength you need for many other strength applications.
Hello. My name is Jedd Johnson, and I want to share with you my love of feats of strength with the Card Tearing eBook.
This manual is over 120 pages of instruction on turning your hands into a pair of card tearing machines.
I have included what are in my opinion the very best exercises to
use to get your wrists, hands, fingers, and thumbs ready to make that deck of cards look like it went through a cheese grader.
The strength you'll develop from tearing cards and by using these exercises will also be useful in other sports and endeavors you may pursue!
Why Should You Listen to Me about Card Tearing?
As an athlete, I have been training seriously for strength and fitness since 1999.
Since 2003, I have competed in nearly a dozen Strongman competitions and more Grip Strength contests than anyone else in the United States.
I have been tearing cards and bending nails for over 6 years. I have been fortunate enough to have competed with and learned from some of the men with the strongest hands
on the planet.
As a strength coach, I have lectured at many strength and conditioning clinics and conferences and have written dozens of Grip Strength articles on DieselCrew.com,
GrapplersGym.com, and StraightToTheBar.com.
I have taught athletes, fellow strength coaches, and grip strength competitors about card tearing.
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, (CSCS)
I am certified through the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist or CSCS. I have been an active member
since 2001 and have spoken at many NSCA state clinics on athletic strength development.
Why am I telling you this? Because I have been through the trenches as both a strength enthusiast who has spracticed these feats of strength, and I have years of
experience in the field, studying the best ways to build strength and stay healthy, and I understand how to instruct others.
When it comes to your training workouts, you can do whatever style of training you want.
- You can do Powerlifting.
- You can do Strongman.
- You can lift Kettlebells.
- You can do Hand Balancing.
- You can do CrossFit.
- You can do Parkour.
- And MORE...
Me? I do feats of strength, like card tearing.
I think it is fun to take a deck of cards I played poker with a week ago, tear it into 4 equal pieces, and then pitch them all into the trash only to buy another deck the next
I have done almost all of these types of strength training disciplines, and I find that card tearing goes along with and compliments all of them!
I tear cards and if you want to learn how to tear cards too, then you've come to the right place.
Tearing decks of cards has always been a feat of strength of the classic performing strongmen.
We've all seen strongmen tearing decks of cards at one point in our lives and we've all wanted to do it ourselves.
Once you purchase this manual today, you will learn how to impress your friends and family with this cool strength feat.
What will stronger hands get you?
- Hit more homeruns
- Add yards to your drive in golf
- Complete more reps in the gym
- Do more work in the back yard
- Pull heavier weight in the deadlift
- More stick speed in hockey
- More phone numbers from the ladies!
- Free drinks at the bar
- Make more tackles
- Get more take downs
- Make more shots on the court
- Be more steady when shooting your firearm
Can you believe nearly 33% of this ebook is exercise index?
These exercises will turn your hands into weaponry, ready to shred any deck of
cards that crosses your path.
Get back in shape with Card Tearing
Card tearing requires you to call upon all of the muscles in the upper body: the chest, the back, the shoulders, the arms, and the abs.
When you buy this eBook, you'll learn how to tear cards now and start getting in shape all over.
Get firmer, get stronger, and best of all, look younger and better!
What Benefits Are You Going to Get out of Card Tearing
There are many benefits you will get from tearing cards:
- Stronger Hands
- Stronger Wrists
- Stronger Fingers and Thumbs
- Mental Toughness
- Winning Attitude
- Lots of Fun!
Why should I purchase this manual?
Here's a sample of what you'll get in this manual.
- 40+ pages of exercises that will give you inhuman levels of hand strength
- Find out how you can use push-ups to increase your grip strength and card tearing power
- How one simple technique can help you tear a deck of cards
- The #1 way to prevent injuries from card tearing
- Strengthen your hands while simultaneously strengthening your shoulders and biceps
- How things lying around your house or garage can be used to strengthen your hands, wrists and forearms
- Instantly improve your hand health with this simple recovery exercise on page 135.
- The importance of the extensor muscles and why you must train them in order to realize your full hand strength potential
- Learn the 3 exerices I do week in and week out that have kept my lower arms injury free since 2006
- Find out the card tearing hierarchy. What are the most difficult cards to tear? Which are the easiest? Go to Page 122
- Learn the recognized technique for measuring the hands - Page 123
- Avoid frustration by learning how to properly chalk your hands!
- Find out 4 basic card tearing techniques and 7 advanced ones, each complete with clear images and
easy-to-understand directions
- Discover the Card Tearing Checklist - 5 mental points to run down in order to dominate every deck of cards in your path
Card Tearing Isn't a Workout, you Say?
I beg to differ. Tearing cards is a great way to get a workout. Tearing cards burns calories and gets you breathing like trying to press a big kettlebell or pulling a
truck. Tearing cards also creates tension in the arms, torso, core and legs, meaning you are developing strength generation in a coordinated manner throughout your entire
Take Your Place in History
There is a legendary history of the performing strongmen that awed the crowds by bending nails, breaking chain, and tearing cards. Now with the information in this ebook,
you can take your place in Card Tearing History.
Realize the Cross-over to Other Strength and Sport Movements
You may have never thought of it but the arm positioning in card tearing is nearly identical to many other strength efforts you may be involved in. For instance:
- Choking: The card tearing position is very similar to choking someone out on the Mixed Martial Arts mat!
- Pressing Movements: The arm positioning in card tearing is very similar to the arm position in the bench press!
- Wrestling: The squeeze you put on the cards mimics the squeeze you put on your opponent's hand, wrist, forearm or ankle!
If you tear cards for no other reason, do it because it's fun!
Saying you can tear a deck of cards is one thing. Showing your friends you can do it is even better. Now is the time to get the tools to get you there. This ebook will
show you the techniques to master and the auxiliary strength movements to make your hands strong like a pair of hydraulic shredding devices!
The best part about this ebook is the price.
BUT WAIT! Not only will you get the most complete reference on Card Tearing available in the world, but you will also get the following bonuses:
30 Days of Email support. Write me any question about anything you'd like to find out more about and I will get back with you!
Savage Grip - 100 pages of instruction on why you should start training your grip today and the most important movements you can do to start building incredible grip strength today. - $39.97 VALUE
Grip Considerations for the Bench Press - Everyone wants a bigger bench press. Your hands and wrists are the end point of the kinetic chain in the bench press. If your hands and wrists are weak, that means your bench will suffer! - $47 VALUE!
Interview with Joe Hashey and myself on MuscleGainingExperts.com. You can learn to make your own equipment to build the strength you need to accomplish incredible feats of strength. This interview tells you how! - $37 VALUE!
Interview with Logan Christopher, Bud Jeffries and myself on StrongerMan.com. Over an hour long, in this interview we talk about building grip for athletics, feats of strength, competitions and for all-round physical preparedness. - $37 VALUE!
All of this is yours in no time!
Just click below to start ripping decks of cards TODAY!
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All the best in your training,
Jedd Johnson, CSCS
The Diesel Crew
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"Jedd: The card tearing book is awesome. Your ebook specifically explained a lot of mistakes I was making in previous attempts.
Attached is a picture of the first two decks I ripped immediately after reading the ebook. I wrapped the first one in black athletic tape, and gave the
second one a go without. These are completely full decks, with jokers and the extra "rules for poker" cards as well.
So thanks for the great information!"
Jim Bathurst BeastSkills.com
"Jedd has put together the definitive guide to tearing decks of cards in half. I personally learned how to tear cards from the Grandmaster Dennis Rogers but I still
learned many things from this book from methods of progression to supplementary and restorative exercises. If you are interested in tearing cards then get this book now. Its well worth the small price."Logan Christopher LegendaryStrength.com_________________________
"I've been tearing cards for many years now. I never thought too much about it other than that it takes strong hands and the right technique. I have no doubt in my mind that the new Diesel Crew Card Tearing ebook is going to help me get STRONGER hands and BETTER technique! Jedd has put together a great manual that covers card tearing in it's entirety. If you want to know how to tear a deck of cards, this manual is all you need. If you are already tearing cards, this manual will take you to the next level."Dan Cenidoza BeMoreTraining.com_________________________
"Every student of grip knows that a classic feat of strength is ripping a deck of cards in half. Jedd Johnson of the Diesel Crew has put together an excellent guide to destroying cards. He has obviously studied the masters (like Dennis Rogers) and covers several different techniques and grips as well as assistance exercises and supplemental grip training that will have you shredding poker decks quickly and with authority. This is an excellent resource!"David Whitley, Sr. RKC IronTamer.com_________________________
"Jedd Johnson's Card Tearing Ebook is a great resource! I'm extremely pleased this manual is now in my library. I can't think of anyone better to learn grip training from than Jedd. The ebook does a quality job explaining multiple styles of tearing. More importantly for me, Jedd adds a high quality exercise index packed with innovative grip training techniques. I will be recommending this book to anyone that asks about grip strength!"Joe Hashey, CSCS Synergy-Athletics.com_________________________
"Got your card tearing e-book yesterday and just wanted to say thanks for a great product. After an elbow injury at the beginning of this year I've really slipped on my grip work and the ebook was just the thing I needed to inspire me to get back into it.
I'd torn a couple of cheap decks last year but they were really slow and messy, can't wait to get back into it and start destroying some cards!"
Rory Hickman StrongerDesigns.com_________________________